Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Elvis - the Real Story...maybe

A year-long celebration to commemorate Elvis Presley's first professional recording on July 5, 1954, is set to take place on Independence Day weekend in Memphis and Graceland. There are people who believe that "the King" is still alive and that he planned his disappearance. So let's say that this was the case and that a very old Elvis is living in anonymity, somewhere, but makes rare appearances at nondescript venues like gas station diners to relive the good, old days.

Elvis – The Real Story
                                                      By Eleanor Tylbor

TAMMY        40-something avid Elvis fan and wife of Len
LEN                40-something husband of Tammy
"THE" ELVIS, former big star/singer/performer

The present

Jackson’s 7-11 GAS BAR AND DINER

Photos of Elvis cover a large portion of one wall; Elvis songs play none-stop. There are a few tables with chairs on one side of the room, while the other side of the room has the usual gas station products and displays of motor oil, etc.


 TAMMY and LEN, two customers, are seated at a table looking around the room
(Scrutinizing the surroundings)
Um…who recommended this place?
(reading book)
The restaurant guide write-up says it’s fine dining with a difference
Fine dining if you’re a rat! Did you happen to notice that a cockroach just crawled out of our bread basket? Must be one that escaped the Chef’s special catch-of-the-day
Stop being so negative and take in the atmosphere
You mean the aromatic scent of “eau du trash” coming from the back? Phee-ew!
You’re so…so…provincial in your thinking, sweetheart. It's about this authentic ‘60’s décor that gives the place its special caché!
More like early condemned. Every square inch of wall space is covered with faded Elvis photos and the man’s been dead for how many years?
That's the beauty of this place! It’s like a shrine devoted to “The King.” It's all too…wonderful
Are you saying that this…this gas station and three table diner was the King of Rock and Roll’s eatery of choice? Not!
For your information they say he used to eat fried chicken here and sometimes he even entertained diners
If I had known we were coming here to eat, I’d have checked to make sure my insurance policy was paid up
You know how long I hadda wait to get reservations for this restaurant…
…obviously not long enough…
…seven months! If you think I’m going to give up the chance to dine here…
…and a fine dining establishment it is – if you’re into salmonella poisoning
Get a grip! The waiter is coming so try to act normal, if that’s possible
               the waiter dressed in an Elvis jumpsuit struts over, swinging his hips in a
              typical Elvis-like walk. He smoothes the sides of his hair with his hands,
(swinging his hips between every word)
Evening folks’. Need a menu? Uh-huh – oh yeah…
No. We prefer to use ESP to order. Of course we need a menu!
Don’t mind my husband – I don’t. Leave the menu here and we’ll choose
So tacky. All the dishes are Elvis songs. 'Be-bop-a-lu-la' chicken wings…' The 'Love Me Tender' t-bone looks questionable and it comes with fries that are probably a couple months old and a 'I Did It My Way' salad. Look at this: says here on the menu that all their steaks are aged to perfection. Yesterday's road-kill most likely
Have you considered that your cranial spark plugs have stopped kicking in? I can’t make up my mind – so many choices…
               the waiter comes over to take the order
Are all those dishes served a la carte?
(swinging hips)
No – on a plate. Uh-huh…
Just choose something already
Want me to come back, folks? Uh-huh…
                                                                                                            LIGHTS DIM
Ssshhh! Quiet! The shows is gonna begin
                                                                                            SOUND: GUITAR TWANG
I don’t see why we hav’ta be quiet. Cheez – I can hear the sound of someone pumping gas outside, not to mention the smell. Mind you, it's hard to tell the difference between the food and the gas
              (The song from “2001: A Space Odyssey” is heard and the waiter now dressed
              in a mechanic’s uniform on the other side of the room walks in front of the
             counter holding a hand mic.)
“For your entertainment and pllllea-sure, the King has entered the building!”
 A very over-weight man dressed in a white jump suit enters, stopping to pose while leaning on a cane. A wide belt hangs well below a sagging stomach; black aviator glasses cover his eyes and a badly-fitting black wig sits lob-sided towards the front of his head
“Direct from his engagement at the luxurious Pink Flamingo Laundromat and Bank Drive Thru in Tijuana, Mex-i-co, the management of Jackson’s 7/11 and Diner is proud to present, “the” King of Rock’n’Roll himself, the one – the only – El-vis!”
A bent over Elvis slowly makes his way to the other side of the room. He stoops  over to kiss Len, who pushes him way
“Whoops – sorry. Gotta get my eyes checked
he whips out a dirty handkerchief, spits on it and cleans his eyes and replaces it in a back pocket
(in weak squeaky voice)
Thank y’all very much! It’s the first time I been back this way goin’ on twenty years…or maybe it’s thirty…could be forty… Anyway… Good t'see y’all ain’t fergetten the King
              whips out his handkerchief again and blows his nose
Guess I ain’t the same Elvis you remember a ways back, huh? But then who is?
              starts coughing and choking. Scantily dresses nurses rush over to pat him on
             the back
See? I still got it but now I don’t know what to do with it! Thank y’all very much… Listen ladies – go see if you can find my extra set of dentures that I left in a steak yesterday.
              starts to choke again and a well-endowed female doctor wearing tight fitting
             clothing enters, with a stethoscope draped around her neck
Now Mr. Elvis – honey – you know y'all gotta take it easy. Your ticker ain’t what it used to be
(laughing and staring at her breasts)
Yeah but ask me if I care. Thank you all very much. And now I’m gonna sing you a personal favourite of mine…at least I think it's a favorite...what's the name of the song now...nobody help me - it'll come back ...
              Elvis sings the first few lines of “My Way” completely off-key
(starting to get up)
Oh fer… We’re not gonna stay and listen to this…
              Sound of tires squeaking to a stop and the slam of car doors
Uh-oh…they’re coming back…I knew they’d find me… Damn aliens!
              Two males wearing white outfits move on either side of Elvis and take
              his arms
C’mon pops. You got another gig at the Sunnyvale Nursing Home
But…but…I ain’t finished my set, yet!
(shaking his head and winking at Len and Tammy)
You don’t wanna be late for your big entrance.
Where’s my peanut butter and banana sandwich. I caint sing without it!
Here you are…
               the two men start to lead Elvis off the stage but Elvis stops and addresses the
Thank you all very much!
Elvis walks over, signs a piece of paper and hands it to Len and then exits with the men
(addressing waiter)
That was not “the” Elvis Presley now, was it? You got us here under false pretences. And that’s against the law, y’know!
The guy is over 80 years old. Whad’ya expect? He’s got two hip replacements, a bad knee and now all that shaking he does is the real thing, poor guy. By the way, know that piece of paper he handed you?
I really couldn’t care less about the man’s autograph… In fact this is what I think of you AND your Elvis
               LEN rips up the piece of paper into small pieces
You shouldn’t have done that. Uh-uh…
Elvis my a-s-s!
That piece of paper would’a given you a free tank of gas with your meal. Oh well…uh-huh…
Len throws himself down on the floor picking up the pieces of paper trying to put them together
A tank of gas is a tank of gas is…
“The King has left the building”
(on his knees scooping up pieces of paper frantically)
Hang on a minute. I can stick these pieces together… Help me Tammy – at the price of gas these days…
 ©Eleanor Tylbor, 2009

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Arks to Go II - The Plan

by Eleanor Tylbor

Angie and her male friend, Joe, evening together is interrupted by a knock on the door. Angie attempts to ignore the interruption but it continues, growing in intensity
Aren't you going to answer the door?
Knock? I don't hear a knock. Now where were we...
You're such a joker, Angie. It sounds urgent
Probably the neighbor upstairs, complaining again. She is such a pain. Bangs on the ceiling even when I sneeze. 'Get a life, Mrs. Plotnik!'
If you don't answer the door - I will!
O-kay...if you insist but I know I'm gonna regret this
(Angie opens the door to an elderly man (NOAH) with a very long white beard and hair down to the floor, dressed in army fatigues. He rushes by her)
Hel-lo! Noah's my name and arks are my fame! A little frivolity always helps to break the ice in a social situation, don't you think? Angie - introduce me to your friend, here
Noah - remember I told you my carpets don't need cleaning? Call me in a few years - preferably longer. Now if you'll excuse me...
(she tries to lead Noah to the door, unsuccessfully)
You're just joking, aren't you! We're old friends, remember?
How can I forget?
                                                                                                         SOUND: ELEPHANTS
What's that? Sounds like elephants
He comes with his own sound effects. Um - didn't I mention that Noah here, does sound engineering for movies?
No I don't! Aw - you're just teasing, right? 'I'll be back soon, guys!' They don't like to be left alone. Elephants are such babies. They're afraid of the jackals and the monkeys love to tease them. You know - when the boss is away... So...Joe - whad'ya think of all the rain we've been having?
Haven't given it a lot of thought, to be honest
Maybe you should. Could be the beginning of ...
...Noah here runs a zoo. Perhaps you should be getting back to your animals, Noah! Nice of you to visit...
(Angie attempts to move Noah towards the door but he resists)
You two seem like old friends. How did you meet?
Well...Angie phoned me about six months ago and asked me about building an ark...
ANGIE a gift for my nephew. He's into arks and I wanted to give him something unique
...and we've been friends on-and-off
Good to see you again. Call me sometime
Somehow we lost touch with each other. I came across her address while cleaning out the parrot cages the other day and here I am! Nothing like re-connecting in person. So Joe - do you like to sail boats, perchance, or maybe you build boats?
Stop with the questions, already, Noah! See you around...I'm sure you have lots to do back at the zoo
As a matter of fact, I'm handy with a hammer and nails
No! What a coincidence. I'm looking for a person to help me with a project I'm working on that involves someone who knows how to put two pieces of wood together
Maybe I could help you
You don't have to be an expert or anything. I have a set of plans laid out by Someone who makes building an ark as easy as 1-2-3
Hello? Joe? Remember me? I think I hear the elephants calling you, Noah.
Why don't I give you my cell number? We can discuss this further over lunch
No need for that. I'll get in touch. Isn't this exciting, Angie? You, Joe...building a new ark together...think of the possibilities
My heart beats with eager anticipation at the aspect of spending time with wild animals. Why do I think my life is not my own, anymore...
I know what you mean. It's going to be such fun. Now Joe - do you get sea sick?

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Good news update - progress at last!

People who drop by this blog regularly or from time-to-time are aware of my moaning, groaning and general kvetching about my play writing and all the hang-ups thereof. This includes unfinished plays that appear to have potential but end up stored in the to-be-examined-at-a-later-date file. Later could mean a month or years. Sometimes though,. things just seem to work.

I've been in a play submission mode of late and decided that my play, "Retribution" deserved to be seen and heard by the world. To this end and after submitting to the Sundog Theatre of Staten Island, I am pleased - nay - delighted to report that they have selected Retribution to be part of their Summer Reading Series to be held on Thursday, August 7, 7:30 p.m. at the St. George Theatre in Staten Island.  A one-act play, a drama, focuses on revenge  specifically (adapted from the synopsis) "after years of patiently waiting and planning for their paths to cross, a hairdresser has an opportunity to exact revenge for a horrific past crime that has gone unpunished." Drop by and see the drama play out in person if you live in the New York area since admission is free of charge.

Still more progress to report in other areas. Finally finished the first draft of "Neighbors" now called, "The Shrubs." It took me a year or more to complete but I'm very pleased with the end result. This is yet another play that started out as a short 10-minute writing exercise but over the years - yes years - evolved into a one act and then a full two-act play. There were a lot of twists and turns along the way and change of story lines but in the end, it wrote itself. All the good plays seem to write themselves. In any case, I'm going to put it away for a while before embarking upon the editing process.

"So tell us, Eleanor - what's on your agenda for your next project?"

I'm planning to take a serious read-through of "Dead Writes" and see where this story can go. It's a fun play with touches of the supernatural concerning an old, crusty newspaper reporter (Felicia) who lead a rough-and ready life that focused on getting a story at any cost. Having been relegated to a holding position where a decision will be made on her next step into either heaven or hell, she accepts the responsibility of training a newly hired, naïve reporter, but doesn't anticipate the moral issues and challenges that arise along the way. Only the newbie reporter is aware of the dead reporter's presence, which makes for some interesting and humorous proceedings. Her progress will be monitored by a heavenly spiritual adviser who is assigned to keep Felicia on the straight and narrow. Think this just may work...

More news will be forthcoming on the play reading and hopefully more positive news on other submissions.

Thursday, June 05, 2014

The Turkey Strut

by Eleanor Tylbor

SCENE:      Barn on a farm
AT RISE:   A gathering of the fowl-est kind. A group of turkeys are meeting to discuss a course of action to deal with the onset of National Turkey Lovers Month, which starts in June. The sound of loud gobbling is drowning out the speaker
TIME:        Early morning

Can we have a little decorum here? Hello?

(he picks up a large meat cleaver and forcefully inserts it into a block of wood. There is an audible gasp)

Is that really necessary? Are you trying to give us a heart attack?

That's the least of our worries

A little over-the-top, aren't we? We were merely discussing the quality of the feed the farmer is feeding us

How about this, then. Given that it's the month of June and if the farmer gets his way, corn will be the last thing you'll have to worry about!

You're always so melodramatic, Sydney.

I'm trying to point out that we have to decide on a course of action!

I got a suggestion! Why don't we all do the turkey strut! Strutting always helps deal with stressful situations

Sounds like an idea. I'll put on the music

(they all line up and strut to the music, "Turkey in the Strraw")

Unbelievable! I can't believe what I'm seeing

I know. We're all such good strutters. Who would believe we've been doing it for only a year. It's like we were born to do this. Come join us!

I was referring to the reality of the situation, which is June being National Turkey Month.

(still strutting)
You mean, they actually put a month aside for us turkeys? What an honor!

Let me put it to you this way. If they have their way, you'll be the main attraction on a platter at Sunday dinner

At last! Artistic recognition. I mean, doing the strut on a platter at Sunday dinner is the ultimate form of acknowledgement and recognition of our talent

Let me make it simple that even your limited intellect can grasp. Sweetheart - you'll be the Sunday dinner

Stop joking around, Sidney. 'Okay everyone - follow me! Kick up some dust!'

How about this. We wait until night and run for our lives! That is - if we're still around

Of course we'll all be here. Why wouldn't we be?

Because... I give up. Uh-oh. Heads up. Here comes the farmer and his wife. Don't say I didn't warn youze all

Oh goodie. We can give him a sneak preview of our dance style before Sunday

(sighing and shaking his head)
I don't think he has strutting on his mind. See 'ya around! I'm out'ta here!

Okay - all together turkeys! Puff out your chest and feathers and let's give the farmer and his wife a taste of what we're all about!