Saturday, October 29, 2016

Planting "Seeds" - a name is a name is name...

Still making progress with "Seeds" but there are signs of a slow down, which is par for the course. It's at the point where that distressing word, "blocked" begins to seep through  the conscious writing areas of my brain  and doubts emerge like, "maybe the story line isn't strong enough" or nagging questions that include "do you know where you're going with this?"

Rather than plug away and continue to write as is suggested in writing manuals and advocated by writing professionals, I use this as a time for reflection. Translation: time to take a rest and think about stuff. Important stuff like an analysis of the characters names and whether they match their personalities. The issue of  "Hal" the latest character addition, is on the analysis block. Initially, Hal was "Chuck" and before that he assumed the temporary name of "Steve." Not that there's anything wrong with any of the above-mentioned names but the names had to have a certain mental image to match the dialogue. Important issues must be scrutinized, for example, does the name, Hal, have a park employee feel to it? As in, "Hal - a dog is off leash and chasing squirrels" type issue.

The female characters are also under review including "Sylvia" who was one of two players in the original short version of "Seeds." Assessing her character strength and longevity involved walks around the neighborhood repeating her name to decide if the name suited her personality. Did receive some suspicious looks from passer-bys but that's goes with the play writing territory. Somehow, "Julie", was never in question and seems right - so far - depending on how things progress. More delays could mean that Julie might be re-born with a new stage name.

At present I'm thinking as to whether should there be a head pigeon leading the park pigeons into a rebellion and if so, whether she/he should have a name. Further thoughts require a deep study into a strong pigeon name. Perhaps "Thor" or "Xena"..."Sunny" and whether the pigeons should have the ability to communicate to their humans in English or stick strictly to their well-known, "brrpps."

It's always a good thing to have one's writing priorities in the right place.

Saturday, October 22, 2016

"SEEDS" - the continuing story of pigeons and friendship

My muse paid me a visit this week and it's about time, too. It's been somewhat of a dry spell pursuing the continuing story of Julie, the park jogger, and her chance meeting with Sylvia, the ultimate pigeon lover. The story is slowly developing in an on-again, off-again fashion.

Yet another snippet:

An encounter with Hal, the park supervisor, who warns Sylvia that more significant steps will be taken if she refuses to cease and desist the feeding of her feathered friends.


Sorry I took so long but my boss called. Hadda explain why I wasn’t back. Course I lied but then it was for a good cause. A friend of yours, Sylvia? Introduce us.

          SYLVIA is silent

I’ll go out on a limb here and guess that judging by your uniform, you work for the parks department

          HAL is silent

Nice park you have here. I take a short jog through here on my lunch hour. Met up with Sylvia not two hours ago but it’s like we’ve known each other forever. Maybe we were friends in a past life or something. Course not everyone believes in that stuff but I think there’s something to it. Am I missing something? You can cut the silence between you two with a knife


I was just warning Sylvia that she has to stop feeding the pigeons. It’s not like I haven’t told her a thousand times before but I’m getting heat from the director to take more action, the type she won’t like


I’ve tried to explain the situation to my friends but they don’t listen for whatever reason. Pigeons can be very stubborn when they sense a threat. Don’t think they like you, Hal


Oh I think Hal here is merely doing his job, right Hal? Are you on duty here five days a week? I would have remembered seeing you for sure


He’s a threat to pigeons. How come you don’t pick on other birds or squirrels?


They don’t leave blobs of white everywhere like your feathered friends do


How do you know that? You’re not here on guard twenty-four-hours a day. It’s a personal thing with you, isn’t it? Admit it! You hate them!


Now Sylvia, I’m sure Hal here is just doing his job. Never met a pigeon lover like Sylvia. Here every day to feed them. Why I don’t know…that is to say, a person has to take a rest now and then to take care of themselves. I was just telling her she’s not dressed for this weather and needs to wear warmer clothes. We were just sharing a hot pretzel and coffee…here’s your pretzel, Sylvia. Probably cold by now but the coffee is still warm

          SYLVIA breaks the pretzel into small pieces


Don’t even think about feeding that to the pigeons


Of course she’s not. She’s a law-abiding citizen, aren’t you friend? We were about to head for my apartment. Right Sylvia? I need some decorating advice and it seems she has a flair for design.




Don't be so modest! Such an avant-garde trendsetter. Very much in demand and I’m fortunate enough to have met up with her in this very park. Fate I guess


I can’t…


…fit me in your schedule? I’m in no rush. Meanwhile you can offer me advice on wall colors and maybe a few decorating tips. Getting colder by the minute. Better head home. Nice meeting you, Hal. You wouldn’t happen to have a card with your contact number, would you? Never know when I might need help being that I’m a jogger. I could trip and need some assistance, being that I run here from noon to one except on Fridays

          JULIE attempts to usher SYLVIA away but SYLVIA

(Cont’d. JULIE) Silly me. You want to say goodbye to your feathered friends. Then we really have to leave

Better leave now with your human friend, Sylvia

Look at the time! Really gotta go. Don’t you just love these pretzels?

          JULIE drags SYLVIA away as she looks back at the
          pigeons, her arm extended towards them