Still submitting and waiting for that first acceptance. I mean, I ain't gettin' any younger! Be that as it may...I'm back working on a play I started perhaps ten years ago with many edits and tinkering along the way. The more I read it - the more I realize that I really like it so I'm sharing the first ten or so pages with the world - or whoever happens to drop by. I should be so lucky!
Will provide updates as to its progress along the way. Meanwhile, enjoy. Feedback welcome.
Please note that this is not in play format due to cut-and-paste process.
By Eleanor Tylbor
SETTING: A funeral parlor - Early afternoon
AT RISE: A funeral chapel. A group of people chat between themselves while waiting for the service to begin. A coffin is situated on an elevated stand in the middle of the room
FELICIA PEMBROOK, wearing a diaphanous dress, sits on the floor next to a coffin examining her surroundings. Slowly, she examines her body, touching her dress
LIGHTING: Dim lighting, except for a coffin in the middle of the room, which is spot-lit with a white light.
SOUND: somber organ music.
What the hell… Really must'a tied one on last night. Weird though. No hangover like usual… No feelings, period
Staggering to a standing position she walks around the coffin, touching the surface while trying unsuccessfully to peer inside. A somberly dressed male passes by, seemingly without noticing or acknowledging her presence.
(Cont'd. FELICIA) 'Scuse me…hello'?'
Man continues to ignore her, focusing and fixing the inside of the coffin
(cont’d FELICIA) Is this a… for real funeral parlor? Shoot! What’s the matter with me? Duh! This is another of Phil’s dumb jokes. Wait ‘til I get him…
Man continues to ignore her
Don’t bother answering me or anything… Fine – suit yourself. I'll find out on my own!
A man (JOSIAH) enters and stands directly behind FELICIA. He has white hair, is dressed in a white shirt and matching white pants that glitter
Perhaps I could be of assistance in some way?
Ho-ly shit… What do we have here? A human Christmas tree ornament
SOUND: thunderclap
I beg your pardon?
Do you come with sound effects, too?
Just a suggestion here and take it for what it’s worth but your colorful language could prove to be problematic
You an agent for the grammar police? Do we know each other?
Excuse me? Police?
A little nervous are we, when I mention “po-lice”? Perhaps you’ve dealt with them on occasion?
In my business we deal with all types and police officers are very common in my milieu
Not surprising. You earn your living dressed like… that?
You should be Wigs - makeup? That kind’a stuff? Do I have to draw you a picture?
I’m not sure of what you’re getting at…
You don’t have to be shy with me. I’m very liberal when it comes to life style choices. Different strokes for different folks I always say
There is no moral conflict with my calling. Actually, I chose this because white is such a pure color and the glitter sort-of attached itself to me. Don’t quite know why
Your family doesn’t know anything about your life style, do they?
By family you mean - of course they’re very much aware of my work down here. In fact they rely almost entirely on my input. I’m an important source of information
And they’re okay with it?
Of course. Why wouldn’t they be? I have to admit I do enjoy my job
Do tell. You’re not one of those people who – you know - like to get up close and personal with dead bodies.
If you’re asking me if I mind being present among those that have passed…
Shit! Do I have to spell it out for you
(staring upward)
'Yes – of course!'
(Cont’d. JOSIAH) Please watch the manner in which you speak. Where I reside that’s one of the words considered an offensive term of reference
(glancing upward)
Something wrong with the ceiling? Where you reside, I would imagine a lot of things could be considered questionable. What is it with you and the way I speak? It’s none of your damned business –
That would be another no-no - a real no-no
Pullleeze! God damn hell…
You must stop! Is it really necessary to use those words?
It’s my mouth and I can choose what comes out of it. Hell, there have been more than words rolling out but I’ll spare you the details…
‘excuse me Sir – I was just explaining the rules to her…’
(BACK TO FELICIA)… That “H” word is never mentioned out loud, ever
For your information words are my bread and butter, so don’t try telling me which one’s I can and can’t use. Hell! Hell! Hell! There! I said and I’m proud to have said it
(staring upwards)
‘I’m trying Sir – I’m really trying! Yes I know but she’s new at this’
(BACK TO FELICIA) At least consider my cautionary advice?
This is some kind of weird funeral parlor. So many damn rules!
Can’t do this, can’t do that. Can’t swear - I mean, really, and with all due respect, my words fall on deaf ears in the true sense of the word. Strikes me that you’re familiar with the routine so maybe you can explain. I've been trying to get an angle on how and why I’m here but that guy over there won’t give me the time of day
Mr. Postner, the funeral arranger? I can say with absolute certainty that he isn’t even aware of your presence
That’s obvious. It has’ta be this tacky outfit. I don't even own anything like this, so why and how I ended up wearing this rag is beyond me
I wouldn’t worry too much about these things. In your case it doesn’t make a difference
I don’t want people to think I don’t have anything better. Maybe I should go home and change. Do I have time before the funeral starts?
Trust me when I tell you that the last thing you should worry about is your clothing choice and as for Mr. Postner here, he’s just doing the job he has to do
Considering it’s his business dealing with dead bodies, the least he could do is be polite and answer me. I’m gonna make sure to tell people not to use this funeral parlor. I bet they charge big bucks, too. Maybe I’ll even write this place up in the paper
Sad that many people hear the words flow out of my mouth but don't want to listen. Very sad indeed…
Y’know – just an observation but it’s no wonder nobody pays attention to you dressed the way you are. Doesn't exactly inspire confidence especially in this kind of business. I’m getting the impression that you’re connected to this place, am I right? Don't get insulted, mister Josiah person and I'm no fashionista, but have you considered maybe your sparkly outfit is a little over the top for this type of job? Perhaps a dark suit would be a better choice
Rich and poor, they all end up in the same place…
You're just one happy-crappy guy, aren't you?
That… person who passed on, she never bothered to reach out to anyone. Lived her entire life satisfying her corporeal needs and her ego
So you do know the corpse. I figured as much. Now how ‘bout sharing that with me so at least it’ll answer why I’m here
In due time, in due time. So now, have you led an honorable life?
You sound like one of those TV preachers. What’s it your business, anyway, what kind of life I lead?
I thought being that we’re getting to know each other you wouldn’t mind answering a few of my questions. I’m a very curious person by nature
Some would say nosey. Listen buddy boy – I don’t want to get to know you, got that? I’m here for the funeral and it would be nice to know who in the hell – heck – died. So bug off! Go stand under a Christmas tree or something!
It wasn’t my intention to offend and if I did, I’m truly sorry. I just wanted to get some sort of idea what type of person you were… I mean, are.
I’m a little up tight with this here situation. So you wanna know about Felicia, huh. I’m not ashamed to say I’m a “been there, done that” kind of female. Isn’t that why we were put on this earth? To experience everything life has to offer?
To a degree I suppose, but there’s more to it than that. You’re supposed to help your fellow human. If only people would realize when they have the chance that life is not about accumulating riches or… things. What’s important is what a person gives of themselves to make the lives of others happy
A philosophical funeral organizer, too – I am indeed blessed. Shit! Lemme make this as easy as possible. You gots your use-rs and use-ees. It’s either use or be used and I don’t take no crap from anyone. Ask anyone I work with. They’ll tell you Felicia’s no pushover
We're all accountable for our actions
I know that I'm gonna be a better person receiving that helpful advice from Mr. Sparkle. Places like this used to give me the creeps whenever I went to a funeral. This one, though, kind of…makes me feel warm. Now don’t get the wrong impression ‘bout me – I’m not one of those funeral groupies or anything that check out the obits for kicks. You know what I mean? People that use funerals as a social occasion? I’m rambling. Maybe it’s a sign that I’m gonna join that corpse soon
Could be sooner than you think
So, is this funeral gonna start any time soon? Gotta get back to The Sentinal before those b... - bad people steal one of my leads. You seem to know how things are run, here. Can’t you move things along? I mean, those people must have jobs to go back to
Do any of the mourners look familiar?
FELICIA studies group of mourners
Perhaps… a few strike a familiar chord… Hang on a sec - they're reporters for our newspaper. That must mean…I know the stiff in the coffin. Or perhaps you do? Is it… Jack McGrath or Pete Winston? Shoot- tell me it’s not! Don't know how many times I warned them both to slow down, but did they listen? Of course not! What does an old broad like me know
It's neither one of them
That's a relief 'cause we're the last three old farts left at the paper. We seen 'em come and we seen 'em leave. Some moved on to bigger and better papers and some left in a wooden box. Just like that poor corpse in there
She strains to see in the coffin again
Don’t worry. You'll know who's in there shortly
This is getting ridiculous! It’s an open coffin for shit’s sake and for some weird reason, I can’t tell whose inside. Take a look at those mourners. A bunch of green kids out of J-school. What do they know about getting a story? People can't write about life without experiencing it and how much could they know at their age? No work ethic. They sit and wait for the phone to ring and take the facts over the phone. Only go after the high profile stories so they can get the byline. Things sure aren’t what they used to be
The young have to learn the ropes the same way as you did but then they have a lot of time. You certainly experienced life to the fullest, didn't you?
Hey - I didn't need no journalism school to teach me. I had the best teacher - good old trial and error. Made mistakes and paid for them all along the way, but I learned – shit how I learned –
SOUND: thunderclap
- perhaps another word …
You mean the word, 'shit!' Hey – I shit, you shit, we all shit – that’s nature at work!
Your sense of humor eludes me
Well ex-cu-sez-moi! They all respect me at The Sentinal, you know. They know better than to cross this old broad. See them newbie reporters using them – whad’ya call them – knee computer crap. Gimme a good, old solid typewriter any day
You never shared your accumulated knowledge with any of them, Felicia. How come?
You gotta be kidding. Hey – I hadda fight every step of the way to get where I am. Nobody was around to lead me by the hand and that goes for them too. They'll learn the heard way
There comes a point in one's life when those who go before must pass on their wisdom to others. You obviously never learned that
The only thing I share is bad breath. Just tell me already so I can go home and change out of this outfit
Somebody you know intimately
That would cover a very long list of guys. Could you gimme a hint, maybe?
You'll know in due course
All this hush-hush top-secret stuff. If you’re one of those - what do they call them now - grief councilors , I don't need your services. Death doesn't scare me none. No siree. I’m ready to go – not yet of course
Part of my duties entails helping people through a difficult period of transition. In fact I've never missed a funeral
What does your wife say 'bout you hanging round a funeral parlor day and night…assuming you're married…are you? Married, I mean
(laughing out loud)
Not quite!
You don't have to kill yourself laughing. It's not such a dumb question. If I was hooked up to someone like you, I'd be wondering about your attraction to a place like this
(gaining his composure)
I'm sorry. It's not your question that tickles my funny bone. Once all is revealed…well – you'll understand the reason for my amusement soon enough
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