Well it's about time, Joe McKenna and his soldier friends would comment, upon learning that the story is winding down - or up depending on the way one views it. There's still plenty of time left before the BBC International Playwriting Competition deadline but given my propensity for procrastinating, I've been focusing my efforts on streamlining the dialogue and working on the plot line.
One of my concerns, other than sound effects, is using radio format but thanks to Google, found a site that supplied an example of how a radio script should be written. The script, as it is now, is written as a play but according to the site, there will have to be some changes.
Reading the lines over silently to myself, it seems to flow well but the story line may have to be lengthened to accommodate the radio format, which shortens the page count. Doesn't really change things since the ending will be that much more dramatic. Before submitting it, I'll actually read it out loud and time it.
The play content is a mix of drama mixed with humor to break up the tension. The quartet of Vets have been there, seen that and are at the point in their lives where they accept death as the final battle and the end to their painful physical decline. They cling to each other for moral support, commiserating life's 'downs' and celebrating their 'highs.'
In fact, somebody overheard the guys getting ready to say their final goodbyes at the local bar.
Well - it's almost over. Won't be long, now
What's almost over? What are you babbling on about?
She's nearing the end
You mean -
- Yup
Who told you?
If anybody knows what's going on, it's me. Take my word for it
She's been nearing the end how many times now?
This time it's serious. We better drink up, make our final toasts and get ready to say our goodbyes
What's going to happen to us after "The End"?
With luck and some positive action taken on her part, we'll become famous and become household
names in the theatre world
Hey! That ain't so bad!
Let's celebrate in honor of the final scene. Mike - didn't you say you were buying? 'Bartender - a round for me and my best friends, here'
JOE, MIKE, AL, MAC (together)
(holding up their glasses)
To the final scene!