Still more progress on "OLD SOLDIERS" - be still my beating heart!
Can't believe I'm writing this but still more progress today.
"So what's happening with "the" play, Eleanor?"
Well...I'm now up to scene 4 or as I number it, Scene IV and even sharing this reality is quite unnerving. I'm always afraid that my writing "roll" will come to an abrupt end.
"Did you amend the time line that concerned you the other day?"
Managed to make some necessary changes to dialogue that fixed this problem.
"So where are you now?"
I"m at the point where Joe is re-visiting the park before the ceremonies take place. Following close behind in the true sense of the word, are his pub pals who have decided to tag along.
"What is it about this play that has such a hold on you?"
The original short story was based on an interview I did with a veteran for a newspaper column. Thinking about his experiences as I wrote the article, the story formed in my mind. Joe McKenna could be any old soldier who has lived a long - maybe too long - life. He feels embittered by his current existence and wants to make a symbolic gesture of his feelings.
More updates to follow - hopefully she wrote.
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