Thursday, June 27, 2013

Playing around: sending out the word

As an aspiring playwright (insert deep sigh here) continually seeking out potential submission sites, it occurred to me that it would simplify the process by keeping track here of where the plays go and the end result. Sometimes the end result is made known with a rejection note while other times the fate of the submitted play is never known.

Not sure how many hopeful and striving playwrights read this blog but perhaps it would be helpful and somewhat cathartic for me, to share the names of the various theatres/groups/whoever and the end result (where applicable) when sending out one of my plays. I'll also add commentary (where applicable) and any commentary (when applicable) passed along by the contact person. In sharing, we all learn.

The most recent play submitted was my one-act, which also happens to be one of my favorites, "Retribution" sent to the Sundog Theatre in Staten Island on April 9. Came across this theatre while conducting my daily search and the theatre just stood out as I combed through the various sites. After querying them, did further checking with their mandate being: "Sundog Theatre is a performing arts organization in Staten Island that provides entertainment for adults and children in the form of contemporary and original theatre." Having visited New York but never Staten Island, this theater excites me quite a bit. Here is the coordinates of their web site:

The content is definitely not for young children and although I mentioned this in my communication with a theatre administrator, she mentioned that on occasion they do perform other types of plays and to pass along the play, anyway. At this point, I'm waiting to find out whether or not my "baby" has found a home and obviously hoping - really hoping - that it has. I've sent a follow-up query and patience isn't one of my strong points but I'm philosophical in that whatever happens - happens (profound Eleanor - profound!).

Additionally, I've also been querying some theatres that are presenting short play festivals. Having written quite a few, it might be a good fit.

Riff-Raff Productions in the UK sounds like an intriguing concept worthy of further thought and investigation.

There are a few other theatres I'm waiting to hear from as to whether they accept play submissions from outside their country of origin. Meanwhile, will provide updates here regarding the end result(s).

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