Friday, December 19, 2014

THE VISIT - a Christmas play-ette

Wrote this a while back but have done some editing and bringing it back for another round, being that it's almost Christmas.





Molly Rigby, 88, senior citizen
David Grey, 20-something reporter
Paul Seaton, camera man


SETTING:     Recreation hall of a senior's residence. A few seniors are dozing, some in wheelchairs, others are regular chairs.

AT RISE:       A reporter (DAVID) enters the room in preparation for an interview with MOLLY RIGBY, who claims to have communicated with whom she believes to be, Santa Claus

DAVID enters the room, taking notes and practicing his introduction


"We're here at the Happy Hollows Seniors Home to interview resident, Molly Rigby, who claims to have been visited by old Saint Nick, himself. Come Christmas Eve, Molly has stated she will be leaving on an extended trip…”

                         PAUL enters, holding a TV camera


So…what’s the story, here? I mean, it’s Christmas Eve! Couldn’t this one have waited?


Hey – it’s not my decision! The brass wants us to do a holiday “feel-good” story and interview an old granny claiming to have met the real Santa Claus.


Yeah and the tooth fairy is alive and well. Is she like…’all there’ if you get my drift?


Who knows. It's one of those seniors sleeping over there.

DAVID approaches the trio, gently shaking each woman.


Um…’scuse me… Misses… Ladies…Hello? Molly? Which one of you is Molly?

                          MOLLY stirs, sits upright


Who wants t'know? That a TV camera? You’re another one of those TV wisenheimer news guys! Take a hike! I’m sleeping


Really – this will only take a few minutes. The world wants – needs - to know if it’s true!


Like I said – make like the wind and blow away

   MOLLY goes back to sleep. DAVID shakes her gently.


Paul - this is the lucky lady we were discussing who’s met Santa


I was having such a nice dream ‘til your friend here came along and popped it. Me and Santa were dropping toys for good girls and boys - that wouldn't include youze two - from his sleigh


Meet Dave Grey, Molly, the reporter that's made WGMZ the number one station in the market and a sucker for feel good stories


I'm sure Molly doesn't care about those things


You're like all the others. You think I’m a little ‘cuckoo’ in the ‘woo-coo.’ Well I’m not, you know! Oh ‘ye of little faith!


If you’ll stand next to me right over here and we’ll do the interview…


I know what I saw and no one’s gonna tell me diff’rent. Now lemme go back to sleep so’s I can be rested when he comes for me


It’ll only take a few minutes and then we’ll be gone. Come on, Molly! It’s Christmas Eve! A time for miracles. Don’t you want to share your good fortune with everyone?


Think you're the first reporter to doubt me? I may be old and crotchety but I’m not crazy! Okay – go for it but only because you’ll be the last. Hey  - watch where you put that microphone.


We’ll do the interview and then we’ll be outta your hair. Really


Better make it fast ‘cause I’m expecting my special visitor real soon now


That would be a family member taking you home for Christmas?


I suppose you could call him that being that we’re very close friends now. He’ll be coming for me in a big, big sleigh that flies faster than the speed of light. We’re gonna go up, up and fly high in the sky. Just him and me and …


This special ‘friend’ of yours… would he, like… be dressed all in red with a long white beard and wearing black shiny boots and white gloves?


Last time he was here, told me t’pack a couple of things for our long trip just the two of us is gonna take. and he'd be 'round to get me on Christmas Eve. Tonight is Christmas Eve, right?


This… friend of yours, would he…like…have big white wings and wear a halo over his head or was he dressed in black and carry a big sickle…


…don’t mind him. Thinks he’s funny. When did this… ‘friend’ first show up?


Can we sit down? I wanna save my strength for tonight. Yeah - he first dropped in ‘bout a month ago. ‘Why me?’ I asked him. ‘Why not you’, he says. Can’t argue with that logic…


How'd you know he was the real one? I mean, there are a lot of people claiming to be Santa this time of year


…and y’know what else he said? ‘Molly - you never stopped believing in me.’ That’s what my friend told me., ‘Cause I believe!  


How do you get in touch with him? 


I don’t get in touch with him, silly! He sends me messages


How’d I know you were gonna say that?


Only I can receive his messages (points to head) – right here


Oh fer… We’re wasting time. Let’s wrap up.


You think I’m crazy and hear voices, don’t you? I know-what- I-know! Wanna hear how we became friends? Last Christmas Eve at this very time, I sent him a letter asking if I could go along t’help deliver toys? I mean, being that I’m 88 years of  age, who knows if I’ll even be around next year so I told him in my letter that it was now or never


This man…your friend answered your letter? Did it have a stamp and a post-mark?


Always with the questions – and doubts. You young people can’t accept that people can be nice to each other for no reason. I didn’t bother checking for a post mark. I don’t hav’ta because -


- I know. You believe. You have to admit that there are a lot of phonies running cons at this time of the year


Oh ye of little faith, sonny boy! He never has asked me for anything. Not one cent! Wanna know how he introduced himself?


By telephone and he asked you to make a donation to his toy campaign?


Found him sitting on the end of my bed, watching Seinfeld re-runs and laughing his head off. That old fart has a good sense of humor, y’know! Suppose he has to what with all the doubters he meets. I mean - you can imagine how shocked I was t’see a stranger watchin’ TV in my room. ‘


He told you that he was Santa and you believed him?


You sound like all the rest and they doubted me, too. Why wouldn’t I?


You hav’ta understand that it's not everyone who gets a visit from Santa in person


We almost finished, here? I’d like to make it home to open gifts with my kids


Told me he was gonna take me away on his sleigh, t’stay with him...forever! Me! Molly Rigby, going t’ live with Santa Claus and his elves. I just couldn't believe it!


Me neither. So, you took him up on his offer?


Are you serious? Wouldn't everyone?


Are you're telling me that you went for a ride with…


…Santa Claus? You bet'cha your perfectly sprayed hair, I did



And I suppose there were the reindeer parked on the roof, or maybe outside your bedroom window? How does an elderly lady – no disrespect intended – climb into a sleigh? I see you use a walker


Somehow  - and I don't know how he did it - I found myself floating in the air, right out of the window. It was one of those high tech sleighs with flashing lights…


A…high…tech sleigh? Led by high tech reindeer too, I guess?


Now that I think about it - their antlers did look like antennas…and the sleigh had colored flashing lights all around


And was this…Santa… on the - small-ish side with a big head, large black eyes and grey-ish white skin color?


Could be but then I'm color-blind. D’ya wanna meet him?


Him – who? You mean, Santa? Why not? If nothing else it’ll make a good Christmas story and we can expose a holiday phony


Now you hav’ta promise me that you won’t try recording us leaving. Santa doesn’t like publicity or anything. He’s a very simple, private man


Yeah…course…no recording… Right Paul?


Promise me you won’t!  Y’a gotta promise!


I promise. Ready, Paul?


We’re leaving? I’m ready when you are


To capture the moment that Molly, here, leaves the rest home for the North Pole


We’re getting nowhere fast, here


I never said he lived in the North Pole. He told me that everyone thinks he lives there but he really don’t. Too cold for him.


So, will he be here soon, d’ya think? It’s getting late and I have a turkey with my name carved on a drumstick


Have patience - and believe!

                        Checks watch

Almost time…  any minute now and remember – no publicity and no recording. Hav’ta get ready… ‘Scuse me - move aside please

                         Shuffles along, picks up a small suitcase, placing   
                         it beneath a window. Stands at window, looking out

Should be here any second now…

                         Pushes away walker

Listen - d'ya hear that?


Not really. I don't hear anything


That sound…he's coming! I see the sleigh up in the sky…'Hey Santa! I knew you'd come for me.’


D’ya see anything or anyone, Paul?


‘They’re just two reporters from the local TV station who wanna meet you!’


Just let the camera roll, Paul! Don’t stop…


(shaking her head sadly)

I’m very disappointed in you boys. Santa here feels that you're not ready for a visit from him. You gave your word you wouldn’t record and the first chance you get, you forgot all about your promise. It’s always the same


Couldn't you just ask him to come over and say a few words on camera? Then we’ll leave - promise! He doesn’t even have to talk. We’ll just let the camera roll


Says he could but doesn’t want to. He’s telling me that we're gonna have t’leave ‘cause it's a long trip…


Don’t you want people to see that Santa is real? I know I would


He says since it’s Christmas Eve and this being his last visit here for a while, he wants to shake your hand as an act of good faith


He does? Of course but I don’t see him, anywhere.


He’s walking towards you, now. Standing right in front…


(extending his arm)

…I still don’t see him…


                               DAVID jerks forward arms extended and attempts

                               to pull back from an invisible  force. MOLLY slowly floats

                               away, waving  


You won’t remember any of this, anyway. Nobody does. Remember – keep the faith! Bye…


Molly just floated out of the window


You started celebrating the holiday season, early?


Tell me you didn't record any of it


What are you talking about?


But… she…just floated… away

DAVID looks around the room, rushes over to the window, picks up the walker


Who’s this Molly person you were talking about? Like I said, there’s a nice, Christmas turkey waiting for my approval. Why are we here, anyway? If this isn’t the dumbest holiday story idea yet. The real Santa Claus – yeah – sure. What next? Interview Rudolph the red nose reindeer? I’m out’ta here. We’ll tell them back at the news room that everyone was sleeping and we couldn’t get the story

PAUL leaves followed by DAVID, who stops as if he hears                    something, glances at the window and exits

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