Wednesday, May 04, 2011


Sometimes it takes people dropping by this blog to read my plays that renew my confidence in my capacity to write plays. In particular I'm referring to the 'shorts' - 10 minutes and under -some of which are showing up in the page-view count. That's nice. There are thousands if not millions of blogs being written and shared, in the hope of attracting the interest of readers. Plays are a bigger challenge because they fall into a certain niche, which is not everybody's cup of tea so to speak.

Although I've written two full plays, the short plays and short-short play-ettes are fun to write. They take a comedic route and for whatever reason bring out the cynical, sarcastic side of my personality. Further examination of recent visits by virtual strangers in the true sense of the word, reveals that "Waiting for Roach", written in 2008, piqued the interest of a couple of people. Maybe more, even. I've always felt it had potential but then I get that feeling for most of my plays, but this one in particular since it has only two characters from different age groups. Unfortunately (how I loathe that word) and after sending it out/submitting it to share with the theatre world, it has yet to be performed. However, reading it over thanks to bloggers, I have a new appreciation for the content as I do all the other plays that have surfaced. Keep reading them, people! It inspires me!

Then there are the fun "Barbie and Ken" sagas focusing on the adventures of the plastic fashionista and her circle of vinyl friends, which were popular when first written a few years ago. Although I planned to return to continue their adventures, for one reason or another - laziness comes to mind - I haven't as yet. For those people reading this who are waiting, more updates are forthcoming as long as their "parent" doesn't threaten to sue. Barbie is bored with Ken...again and this could mean trouble.

Many of the plays are based on personal experience and "The Teabag" is an account of a trying to get a tea refill at McDonalds. There - I wrote it. McDonalds offers free coffee refills but not tea refills. There is an injustice in that but I digress. This short-short is a personal favorite as are all of them, actually, especially "The Bra" that helped me get over a negative encounter attempting to return a bra. But I digress - again.

It's always gratifying as an aspiring playwright - although how long one can retain the "aspiring" status is worth a ponder or two - and writer to know that people read one's literary output and it gives one the impetus to continue in the hope that one day somebody, somewhere, will acknowledge their greatness and produce one of them. To paraphrase that famous line from "Sunset Boulevard": they're ready for their close-ups... You get the idea.

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