Wednesday, April 04, 2018

"SEEDS" - the Continuing Story of Pigeons and Friendship

Slowly adding more material to the play, "Seeds: the Story of Pigeons and Friendship." I'm about at the half-way point, which always presents a challenge. Still, I plod on. Meanwhile, here's another snippet. Comments always welcome. Format is cut-and-paste strictly to make it an easier read.

SYLVIA, the ultimate pigeon lover, has left JULIE's apartment, having heard a phone message left by the park supervisor, who has his own agenda in finding Sylvia.



                                     SFX: COOING PIGEONS


Where there’s pigeons, Sylvia and Mr. B can’t be far away. Oh fer – now she’s got me believing. ‘Sylvia! Where are you!’

JULIE spots SYLVIA distributing pieces of bagel to pigeons

Thank goodness. I’ve been worried sick thinking I’d find you huddled somewhere, frozen to death. How nice they appreciate my bagels meant for you.

Enough for everyone…


Except you. Do you at least have one for yourself?

I ate a few bites

SYLVIA opens a bag and distributes nuts to the birds


Excuse me? Those nuts don’t come cheap! Let them peck for acorns under the snow! ‘Users!’

JULIE rushes in the direction of the pigeons and they scatter

                                SFX: SOUND OF BIRD WINGS

What are you doing? They’re my friends – my only friends! ‘I’m here for you, my flock!’


Believe me – they’ll be back, especially when foods around


What did they ever do to you?


My care package wasn't meant for them. Pigeons can make out on their own


How could you be so callous?


You call caring more about you than – them, callous?


I'm so naive. Here's me thinking you were my friend and understood our predicament. Obviously, I was wrong


My only motive is your welfare. The fact that I opened up my apartment to you should tell you that


(TURNS HER HEAD TO THE SIDE) “You’re right. They just don’t get it, but she seemed so sincere - different from the others…”


Please - let’s get past this. Blame it on a momentary lapse of judgement. Look – they’ve all re-grouped.

JULIE bows and addresses pigeons

‘Sorry birds. Didn’t mean to separate you from your free food source’ Okay? I apologized. We started out so well and I don’t want to jeopardize our relationship. I shouldn’t have put any conditions on your bagels and seeds care package. If you wanna share it with - them – you go right ahead. Perhaps I haven’t gotten to know them all well enough, yet. I mean, doubt whether I’ll ever call them by name, but I’m willing to try. That should mean something. Feels like there’s a cold wind moving in. How ‘bout I go get us some nice hot coffees?


I’m okay

Before I forget, I've got boots for you. At least wear them as a personal favor so I can sleep nights


(TURNS HER HEAD TO THE SIDE) “That’s true – I’ll ask”
Mr. Bird is wondering if possibly you might have an extra pair for him, too? He’s not getting any younger and feels the cold these days


I’m not sure how I would go about this or even if it's possible. If I could talk – or see - Mr. Bird to get an idea of his foot size. I’ve never given any thought about foot wear for birds. Cats, dogs - yes - but birds no. What size would he take?


Well – I would say, this big

SYLVIA uses her hands to indicate a large size

Does that help?


Really big. Doubt whether a pet store carries outfits for pigeons and even if they do, Mr. B has one set of huge feet


See what I mean? Prejudice. Forget that I asked


Lemme at least, try. Meanwhile, try on these boots while I check out pet shops on my cell phone. (to herself) What next - boots for an invisible bird. How and why did I get myself into this? (Speaking on cell phone) ‘Hi there. I’m just wondering – you may think this a little unusual – can’t believe I’m asking this - but do you carry boots for pigeons? Hello?’ They disconnected. Can’t say I blame them…


Perhaps we should all go in person. I’ve always found that personal contact works best

(TURNS HER HEAD TO THE SIDE): “Of course you can come! How are you going to make sure they’re the right size?”


Like I said, I’m not sure they keep pigeon boots in stock. Then, there's the issue of Mr. Bird’s gigantic size and the possibility he could injure his feet along the way without proper covering. How 'bout I call the pet store so they can prepare for - so they can check their stock


Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Mr. Bird has to try them on in person. What happens if they don’t fit and the pet store won’t take them back?


A few phone calls before-hand will save time


No – we must shop in person

(TURNS HER HEAD TO THE SIDE:) “You’re right – it will be an adventure for us!”

SYLVIA cont’d: Mr. Bird is very excited. He’s never worn anything on his feet before


It’ll be an experience for sure, for all of us

                                       FX. BIRD WINGS

As they start to leave, they are followed by the rustling of pigeon wings. JULIE whips around in response

Hang on a dog-gone minute! They’re not joining us 


But they’ll want a pair too


I am not walking down the street with a flock of pigeons following behind, and no way are they coming inside the pet shop with us

You’re prejudice and really don’t care about the plight of those who must depend on life’s food rejections to sustain themselves


It’s not that I don’t sympathize, somewhat, with the plight of pigeons but there are people living on our planet, who are starving to death and like your friends, have no shelter, living from hand-to-mouth, going through trash cans to stay alive


So which shoe stores should we start? This is such a new experience for all of us. We’re very excited