Wednesday, May 06, 2015

First scene of A WEDDING

Sharing the first scene of the first play I wrote, "A WEDDING" a.k.a. "MAKE ME A WEDDING." A comedy, the story focuses on the trials and tribulations of a young couple who want a small, intimate wedding, versus the bride and groom's mothers, who want an all-out, no holds barred (expensive) affair.

In this opening scene, the bride announces her engagement to her parents.


Scene I

SETTING: Greenberg family living room. Plastic slip-covers cover,
         kitschy French-provincial furniture, circa 1970’s. On
         either side of the couch are two end tables with drop
         “crystal” lamps on each table


AT RISE:  A tense MORTY GREENBERG paces, stopping                 
          periodically to glance out of a window. SADIE     
          his wife, sits in an armchair, absorbed in her knitting.  
          She glances up from time-to-time to watch MORTY


TIME:     Late evening

                                     SFX: television blaring


What time is it now?


Five minutes later than the last time you asked me. Stop
pacing already or you'll wear a hole in the carpet. It's thin enough as it is


(staring out of window)

What could they be doing in the middle of the night?


Counting toothpicks in a restaurant. What's it your business? She needs your permission to stay out late?


What'll the neighbors think?


Oh pul-l-eeze! Get a life. They'll talk no matter what she does or doesn't do and what they don't know, they make up. Sit down and watch TV 


I can't focus knowing that my daughter is out there – somewhere - doing who-knows-what. Maybe we should go search for her or better yet, call the police


Not! If we brought her up right, she's okay. You stay up and wait for her if you want but I'm going to bed


Don't you wanna be here when she comes in?



Why? She doesn't know the way to her room? Come to bed, Morty!


Some mother you are. What happens if… if they were in an accident or something? Maybe they're injured and can't call us


Rachel has a cell phone


Maybe the cell phone got crushed along with the car…


…and maybe you should get a life?


I'm staying up and waiting for her like a good father, unlike other people who are more interested in their beauty rest. Like it'll help anyway… I can’t take it anymore! I’m calling the police


Enough already! Really Morty, she’s 22 years old. Sit here if you want to but I gotta get some sleep


Sure, go to bed and leave me all alone to wait for your daughter


How come she’s “your daughter” when she does things that you don't like? Besides, I'm sure David is taking good care of her


That's what worries me!


Move away from that window or the neighbors will think you're a voyeur! Did I mention Becky's daughter got engaged last night? Don't think she didn't rub it in about the big diamond that her Joanie got. Two carats she tells me! Like the size of a diamond would interest me!


(flipping TV clicker)

Of course not! Things like that aren't important to a person with your class. You materialistic? Never!

It's what's inside a person’s heart that counts, not the size of a bank account. That's what I told Becky. Honestly, that woman is so money-oriented! I don't know how we stayed best friends all these years


Are you telling me that you’d hold it against a potential husband for your daughter, if he was cash-friendly?


Let me put it this way: if and I say if, the boy happens to come from a wealthy family, I wouldn’t hold it against him. I'm not prejudiced that way. Listen, I get dark circles under my eyes if I don’t get enough sleep

           SADIE exits

(calling after her)

“And you need all the help you can get!” Dark circles aren't her only problem. The woman needs a complete head transplant. Where's that daughter of mine? 

                                           SFX: key in lock

           MORTY rushes to chair and feigns sleep


'Don't forget to call me the minute you get home! Mom will be thrilled when I tell her our news. Wave to Mrs. Belinsky across the road, the nosy busybody. I love you, David!'

           RACHEL enters

Hi popsy. Wha'cha doin' up so late? Are you waiting up for me again?


Wha…hmmm..? Must'a fallen asleep in front of the TV. What time is it?


What am I going to do with you, pops?  Where's mom?


Your mother was tired so she went upstairs. She was knitting me another one of her scarves to join the other sixteen stored away in the closet. When will she realize that I only have one neck? Where were you so late?


I was under the impression I can come home whenever I feel like it – at least that’s what you tell me


What'll the neighbors think, a nice girl like you coming in at the crack of dawn?


Would you prefer that I move out altogether and you won’t have to worry about what everyone will say? Let them mind their own business for a change


It's a lot to ask to call home and say you're alive?


Can we move on? I have something important to tell you both. Better still, go wake up mom. She'll wanna hear this


Something is wrong! I knew it! I told your mother that she should wait up but did she listen? Noooo! Her beauty rest is more important


Why do you always think the worst? It just so happens that this is fantastic news and mom will be thrilled when she hears what I have to say

           Dances around room, waving her left hand

D'ya notice anything new – like - on my left hand?


You changed the color of your nail polish?


Look close…realLY close


Whoa! That’s new since breakfast?


You do know what this means…


A miracle! At last there's gonna be another male in the family and I'll have a chance at winning an argument, for a change!


I didn't expect that kind of reaction but I'll take it as a sign you approve?


What's not to approve? The groom to be is David?


Who else? You know we've been seeing each other seriously and there's never been anyone else in my life, nor will there ever be. He's the most wonderful, sensitive, romantic…


And those are just his so-so qualities. Only joking, honey. He's a good guy and normal, unlike some of those other weirdos you brought home to us. I still break out in a sweat thinking about - what was his name now - Clifford? What kind’a person tattoos the name of his girlfriend on his forehead and God knows where else?


That was just a high school crush, pop and besides, I
kind’a thought it was romantic at the time


Sure you would 'cause you're not a parent - yet. Let’s see now - who came next? What did he call himself - Pukey? Porky? And then there was…

I get your point, popsy


Remember your first rock concert? I couldn't hear for three days and never told your mother. Let me tell you - it was bliss!


So? I'm still waiting for congratulations and a kiss


(hugging RACHEL)

My little girl -  a bride! That means I’m old. I’ve never been old before


How 'bout go get mom so I can share the good news with her, too?


You want me to go wake up sleeping beauty? If I disturb her beauty rest, she'll open up a mouth to me but if I don't… Be right back


‘Whad'ya doing? Lemme alone Morty. I'm tired! It's not Saturday night…go watch another program or something. What about Rachel? Are you talking about our daughter,…. Get me my duster in the cupboard! The other one! That's for the rummage sale. Do you ever look at what I wear?’

           SADIE rushes on stage followed by MORTY

Rachel, is this another of your father's senior moments?

(extends hand)

So? Look for yourself!


It's about time! Looks like a decent sized diamond. Must be -  what - a carat at least? Bigger maybe?


David surprised me with it tonight. We don't want a long engagement so you won't have to plan a big party


You're both so young. What's the big rush?


They've been going out for five years! D'ya want she should be an old maid like your sister Miranda? I'm so excited! Becky's Joanie got engaged yesterday so she only beat you by one day!


This isn't a contest as far as I'm concerned. We want to get married in three months

(ignoring RACHEL)

A summer wedding would be perfect, don'cha think? Maybe we could have it under a tent, in the back garden, just like those fancy society weddings. Mind you, indoors might be better in case of rain, but we have plenty of time to talk about the details


Did you hear what I said? We wanna get married in –like -three months

Come again? I gotta get my ears checked 'cause I thought I heard you say three months


Your ears are fine, ma, and even if - and I say if - we wanted a garden wedding, pops has his old cars stored on the lawn, along with a thousand spare parts covering every square inch


Listen, you want a reception in the back yard, I'll move everything into the garage…


It has to be at that time because David's been invited to be a keynote speaker at a big lawyer's convention in Europe, so we'll make it a working honeymoon. It's the only time we're both free


…maybe call a few scrap dealers today to see what they'll give me. At least we'll have a couple of extra dollars towards the wedding expenses…


Typical! Your father is worrying about the money, already! You expect we should get everything together in such a short time? It takes a year at least to reserve a place and even then, we have to talk to a caterer, get a band…


…then again maybe I should keep them all. 'Ya never know when my car is gonna die on me. It's going on nine years already


There’s something else I haven't told you. We want a small wedding with just close friends and family, so there shouldn't be any  problems with paying for it or the arrangements

           Grabs chest, feigns shock and grabs MORTY for

 Do I hear right? You would deprive your parents of making you a big fancy wedding? I think I'm gonna faint. Catch me Morty!


We'd rather put everything towards important things like buying a house. You should be happy with all the money you’re gonna save


Happy? What'll I tell my friends? They'll think we're too cheap or can't afford to marry off our only daughter right! You can't do this to me, Rachel!


Sorry? It's our wedding and we want to keep it small. The idea of inviting a lot of people we don't know is not for us! I'm really tired and not prepared to hash this out with you now. We'll continue tomorrow when I'm fresh and can think clearly. At least I'll have a fighting chance

RACHEL starts to leave


Stay right where you are! I wanna hear all about how David proposed. This is what a mother waits for!


I promise to tell you everything only let me get a couple of hours of sleep. Please?


Let her go to bed, Sadie. The kind of wedding you want will put us back a few dollars. I like the idea that the kids are thinking small. Small is good


You would, Mr. Cheap-skate! I'm sure David's family would want a decent-sized affair, too. Open up your pockets father-of-the-bride and let the moths fly out! Small wedding - over my dead body


That can be arranged




I've heard enough for one night. Enjoy yourselves, you two!

RACHEL exits


You don't get it, do you? A big wedding means nice gifts. Have a small wedding and you end up with a bunch of fruit bowls and vases


As far as I know, the only green growing on our trees are leaves. I have to worry about the cost if you don't


What's money when you're marrying off your only child? Dear, dear, husband of mine, you should keep your nose out of things that aren't your business. Planning a wedding is a woman's affair. The husband only writes the checks


You recently inherited a fortune that I don't know about?


When it comes to my daughter, money is no object


Good, then you pay for the whole thing out of your Bingo winnings since you're so rich. We could sell the condo in Florida and that'll bring in a couple of bucks. Nowhere to stay in the winter but hey – our daughter will have the bigggg wedding you've always dreamed about. Of course we could always share a rental with my mother…


Hell-will-freeze-over before I stay with… her. Anyway, once I finish talking with your daughter, she'll realize that she really wants a big…bigger wedding.


Can I leave, now? I'm really tired and got lots to think about


How can you think of sleep when we have plans to make?


It's real easy. First I go upstairs, put on my pajamas, then I get into bed and close my eyes. Better still, how 'bout you stay here and think and let me go first? At least it'll give me a fighting chance to get in a couple of hours sleep before the snoring opera begins

           Starts to get up; SADIE pushes him down


How many times do I hav'ta tell you I don't snore! I breathe heavy. We have to talk - right now - so sit on it!


How long is this gonna take? More than five minutes and I'll need toothpicks to keep my eyelids open


You'll have plenty of time to sleep when you’re dead


Right now, that sounds very good. It's the only time I'll get any peace! Alright. Get it over with only don't speak too loudly. My ears are sensitive at this time of night

I thought you wanted that our daughter should have a nice wedding


Nice has to be big and expensive?


Of course! Whad'ya think? You get nothing with nothing. David comes from a good family. You want they should think we're poor nobodys?


As far as I know, we don't have any money hidden away in a off shore bank and I'm not blowing all our savings on a wedding, just to impress your friends


What about our social standing in the community? I would like that our daughter should have a wedding she'll remember for the rest of her life

What social standing? Come down to earth Sadie and join us real people!


How am I supposed to get this all together in three months anyway?


Wait and talk it over with David's parents since they'll want to be in on everything. Give it a rest, already and let's go to bed!


Do I have a choice? I'll be up to join you soon. Go. I'll even give you a head start. That's how generous I feel tonight

           MORTY exits. SADIE waits for him to disappear,
           picks up a photograph of RACHEL, holds it at
           chest level and bursts into tears

‘My little Rachel. How I waited for this day but now I feel an ache and emptiness in my heart’   

           Stops crying abruptly, grabs paper and pen

Mind you, planning the wedding will help take my mind off things. Small wedding, my foot! Wonder how much a wedding coordinator would charge? I'll have to speak with Becky tomorrow since she knows everybody
           SADIE turns off lamp        
                                         LIGHTS dim

Morty! I hope you're asleep and not snoring 'cause I'm coming up

           SADIE EXITS

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